SBLP 2023 is the 27th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. It is promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and constitutes a forum for researchers, students, and professionals to present and discuss ideas and innovations in the design, definition, analysis, implementation, and practical use of programming languages. SBLP's first edition was in 1996. Since 2010, it has been part of CBSoft, the Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice.
The Conference is planned to be held on September 25-29, 2023 in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Submission Guidelines
Papers can be written in Portuguese or English. Submissions in English are encouraged considering that only accepted papers written in English will appear in the proceedings, usually indexed in the ACM Digital Library (to be confirmed). The acceptance of a paper implies the registration of at least one author in the symposium to present it. Papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. No-show of scheduled papers will result in excluding them from the proceedings.
SBLP 2023 will use a lightweight double-blind review process. The manuscripts should be submitted for review anonymously (i.e., without listing the author’s names on the paper) and references to own work should be made in the third person.
Papers must be submitted electronically (in PDF format) via the Easychair System.
The following paper categories are welcome (page limits include figures, references and appendices):
Full papers: up to 8 pages long in ACM 2-column conference format.
Short papers: up to 3 pages in the same format. Short papers can discuss new ideas which are at an early stage of development or can report partial results of on-going dissertations or theses.
Each paper can have a maximum of one extra page for references.
Active graduate and undergraduate students seeking feedback are invited to submit short papers of their original unpublished and in-progress research work. A set of selected papers, which did not get accepted as full papers, may be accepted as short papers.
Three best paper awards will be attributed among the full paper submissions.
List of Topics (related but not limited to the following)
Programming paradigms and styles, scripting and domain-specific languages and support for real-time, service-oriented, multi-threaded, parallel, distributed, and quantum programming
Program generation and transformation
Formal semantics and theoretical foundations: denotational, operational, algebraic and categorical
Program analysis and verification, type systems, static analysis, and abstract interpretation
Programming language design and implementation, programming, language environments, compilation and interpretation techniques
Programming languages for the blockchain technology: design and implementation of Smart Contract languages, implementation of consensus protocols, language-based security and cryptographic primitives
Paper Publication
A selection of the best papers appearing in the last editions of SBLP have been invited to be extended and considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Computer Languages (COLA), by Elsevier. We will approach COLA for a similar special issue regarding the 2023 edition of SBLP.
Important dates
Abstract submission: May 29, 2023
Paper submission: May 29, 2023 (new deadline)
Author notification: July 14, 2023
Camera ready deadline: July 24, 2023
Program Committee
Program Committee Chair:
Samuel da Silva Feitosa, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
Program Committee:
Alberto Pardo, Universidad de la República
Alcides Fonseca, Universidade de Lisboa
Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes & Universidad de Buenos Aires
Anderson Faustino, UEM
Andre Du Bois, UFPel
Andrei Álvares, CEFET-MG
Andrei Paskevich, Université Paris-Sud, LRI
Cristiano Damiani Vasconcellos, UDESC
Christina von Flach Garcia Chaves, UFBA
Dalvan Griebler, PUCRS/SETREM
Eduardo Piveta, UFSM
Emmanuel Chailloux, University Pierre and Marie Curie
Fernando Castor, UFPE & Utrecht University
Fernando Pereira, UFMG
Francisco Sant'anna, UERJ
Gleifer Vaz Alves, UTFPR
Hugo Musso Gualandi, PUC-RJ
João Paulo Fernandes, Universidade do Porto
Juliana Kaizer Vizzotto, UFSM
Karina Roggia, UDESC
Leonardo dos Santos, UFJF
Lourdes del Carmem Gonzáles Huesca, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Marcelo Teixeira, UTFPR
Mário Pereira, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Mariza Bigonha, UFMG
Martin Musicante, UFRN
Nuno Macedo, INESC TEC & University of Porto
Paul Leger, Universidad Católica del Norte
Rafael Lins, UFPE
Roberto Bigonha, UFMG
Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio
Rodrigo Ribeiro, UFOP
Sérgio Medeiros, UFRN
Simão Sousa, Universidade da Beira Interior
Stefania Dumbrava, ENSIIE Paris-Evry
All questions about submissions should be emailed to